Saturday, June 15, 2019

Job Task Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Job Task Analysis - Essay Exampleions and submitting them to the human resource manager, scheduling interviews for upstart employees in the branch, and following up on their progress once employed. Any memos for the department are also to be cabald by the personnel clerk in charge (Reddy, 2004).Behavioral objectives are goals that the military branch impart be aiming to accomplish when training the personnel clerk. They include duties and responsibilities that the clerk should be informed with by the end of the training. Therefore, according to the above tasks the behavioral objectives listed should be that the personnel clerk will master all the recording procedures in the office he or she will also be able to understand on how to follow up on the military personnel he or she will be able to construct a pay roll sheet from the attendance register and lastly, that he or she will be able to prepare all the notices memos of the personnel department if need be.A job task analysis is used to train an employer by laying out all the duties to be performed. (Wolfe, 1991) An analysis for a personnel clerk would be Enter into the office Sign in at the register Check out the attendance of for each one and every employee of the military branch Note any absent employees Identify the events of the day Ensure all the office records are neatly in step forward Arrange any misplaced documents Prepare any memos required Receive and attend to any visitors of the personnel department Ensure that any injured militants are attended to Ensure the pay roll sheet is in agreement with the attendance list Check the mail box of the personnel department in advance and present any available resumes and application mails to the necessary offices Follow up on the new employees of the organization Schedule interviews for any new employees and finally betoken out the employees after work.Generally, a personnel clerk is important in all organizations since all organizations have employ ees that need to be managed and yet the

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