Sunday, June 9, 2019

Answer 4 discussion questions as instructed below Assignment

Answer 4 discussion questions as instructed below - Assignment modelingThe advantages of placing the C-arm fluoroscopy at different angles with regards to the patient, for example, either under/over/lateral, is that it offers an appropriate way to facilitate minimal exposure to the radio waves. The level of success in any(prenominal) C-arm fluoroscopy procedure performed is contingent on the proficiency of the doctor involved and the pathoanatomic characteristics of the patient. The benefit is that it offers minimally invasive procedures for the treatment being carried out. Reducing occupational exposure is achieved via the map of garments having components of lead metallic elements. Lead metal is known to be effective in shielding from radioactive components, for instance, like in this case x-rays.The TV monitors and cook cart are utilized for cross sectional examination of two images to provide a comparison for the technologist. The equipment are flexible in hardware social st ructure and can be rotated or flipped to provide a preferred view. Mobile fluoroscopy with supported digital imaging which offers still images is essential for therapists to analyze and contrast data collected. The find fault pedal allows the physician or any approved equipment operator to have hands-free operation of the C-arm machine. A completely equipped and automatic foot pedal has added functionality to offer flexible operations and movement within the examination room.Radiation safety is essential for all the individuals involved or affiliated to the operations of the portable x-ray machines. It is advisable for all the persons and staff who remain in the radiography room to wear a lead apron. A minimum blank space of 6 feet (approximately 2m) is suitable for all operators involved to minimize the exposure that comes with the procedures. Delicate organs like the gonads ought to be protected from the radioactive elements. The level of exposure is greatly dependent on the di stance from exposure point, thus,

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