Sunday, June 23, 2019

International Laws Of War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Laws Of War - Research Paper ExampleThe laws of struggle comprise of a grid of formal and informal laws, practices and norms spy for a long time (Pakistan Defence, 2015). It is not necessary to make the laws obsolete. Countries will still have military conflicts to be governed by these laws.The technological change has insufficiencyed the force to protect the civilian population during wars. Either because it has broken the traditional law of war or it has placed more civilians on the battlefield. Warfare observers have been conglomerate causing them to adopt unrealistic expectations that see, to be forming into normative boundaries. The military in return reacts negatively to this trend because it places limitations on their activities. The balancing of the humanitarian concerns and the military activities is what causes the formation of the international humanitarian law of war. However, the technological changes will undermine some of the assumptions of the law s of war. The assumptions include the privacy of the state and the discipline of warfare. Another issue that could destabilize the laws of war is the question of whether war distinguishes between policing and acts of terror. Legal experts have begun to focus on the many questions brought up by the advancing technology use in the military. However, the lack of attribution has remained hard to tackle due to lack of proper legislation. It is particularly difficult to determine when a nation has faced an attack or the aim of available evidence showing the identity of the attacker responsible.

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