Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Article Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Article Review - Essay ExampleThe American farming and traditions condone how vulnerable youths become to drug abuse. It is important to note that the health problem has been quite around for a very long time (OWN, 2014). unluckily for drug us, it affects a lot of people as they engage in it during their youth, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA*) states that at to the lowest degree 9 out of 10 who are said to be addicts started drinking, smoking, or using any other drug before they reach 18 (CASA Columbia, 2011). medicine abuse has had profound personal effects on the society. CASA maintains that teen drinking, smoking, and overall drug abuse has been very damaging to millions of people in the community and that there chip in been costly long range consequences. America reports homicides, increased general crimes due to drug use and abuse. Teen drug abuse remains the most costly yet preventable health issue for the community.The American community has im plemented measures to ensure that teen drug abuse is dealt with. Educating the youth on detrimental effects of drug addiction can be, conducting routine screening, and provision of appropriate treatment to the affected are among the many ways that have proven useful in combating drug abuse (Estep, 2013).Ending Adiction Changes Everything. (2011, June 29). Retrieved Jan 4, 2015, from http//, B. (2013, November 30). Kentuckys response to drug epidemic is yielding some good news. Retrieved from

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