Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Management Style at Cadbury Essay -- Business and Management Studi

A description of the management style used at Cadbury There are three main management styles that a business can have these are:  · Democratic  · Consultative  · Autocratic  · Laissez-faire Cadbury’s management style is democratic. This is when all members of staff work together as a team. The managers listen to the other employees ideas and suggestions before they go ahead with decisions. If ideas are found to be achievable and successful by the senior group, then it is taken forward. Then as a team they reach a decision. The approach of this style is that they care and listen to everyone in the teams view and what they think not just their own. This style can be used in both large and small groups. It would work well in a large motivated groups because they can come to a decision a lot quicker, but in a smaller group they can fail with coming up with a decision amongst themselves and will need real guidance and direction. If a decision cannot be made then a vote will take place and the out come will be the one with the most votes. This management style is good for Cadbury because it motivates workers; with having power and decision-making and through this it allows them to be involved in the business. The ways in which Cadbury shows that they are a democratic style is:  · An example is when they come to the idea of developing a new product. The then consult production, then marketing, then finance, have a meeting with everyone concern or who has/wants a say, the product then goes into production and management then makes the final decision.  · They also had to discuss whether it was a good idea to fill the vending machines in the U.S.A with their products. The majority of the employees decided on this that it would be a good idea, so they went ahead, and in the end they beat the other competitors.  · When Cadbury’s World was being developed they would have to decide on the structure of it, what should and shouldn’t be included, the facilities that will be offer and much more important information. All the members of Cadburys would have the opportunities to give their views of the ideas. Within a consultative management, which is similar to the democratic, approach instead of discussions with the group and coming up with the decision together the managers so it themselves. This approach ... ...sation and very low morale. It relies on the power or personality of the owner or directors who all the key decisions this can end up being a problem if these people change. the people that are consider to work well in this culture are like-minded to help with the approach of the running of the organisation. The structure tends to be loose and informal, it tends to be organised by functions Role culture this offers logic, reality and security. It can also get very frustrating when trying to get a job done. It has a formal structure, which is hierarchical. This organisation’s jobs can be done by many people, even though the limits of the jobs are strictly controlled. The job or role can been seen to be more important then the people. Person Culture this organisation exists to serve the people in it. It is aimed to satisfy and motivate them. The style that this organisation works to is that the people are more important than the actual organisation. This style works best in reality because it is a small, informal flat organisation. It is found mostly in professional organisations such as management consultancy where each consultant works on individual projects.

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