Thursday, August 8, 2019

Fuzzy Concepts Discussion Posts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fuzzy Concepts Discussion Posts - Essay Example The design thinkers require characteristics such as; empathy, integrative thinking, collaboration, optimism, and experimentalism (Brown 87). Design thinkers must possess adequate empathy. This entails the worldview from several perspectives; for instance, colleagues, customers and end uses. Empathy enables the design thinkers to consider the people first. The designers imagine solutions, which are desirable and adequately capable of achieving the needs of the people or customers. Effective design thinkers analyze the world through minute details; this ensures innovation inspiration. Integrated thinking abilities involve ability to engage in analytical processes, which entails designing appropriate solutions that effectively solve societal problems. Design thinkers are optimistic individuals. Despite several challenges involved in identifying and analyzing problems, at least a single effective solution is more desirable than alternative considerations. Design thinkers possess adequate experimentalism capabilities. This is because superior innovations and solutions require adequate experimentation. The design thinkers formulate questions, and then illustrate the most appropriate approach for appropriately addressing the questions. Collaboration is very important in design thinking. The continuous enhancement of complexities of experiences and products has ensured interdisciplinary consultations and enquiries. Effective design thinkers possess adequate experience in several disciplines. For instance, IDEO has diverse creative design team, which comprises engineers, architects, anthropologists and

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