Tuesday, August 13, 2019

International Art Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Art Market - Essay Example National and local governments have also acknowledged the significance of culture and art in the promotion of policies, as reinforcement to the linkages between the two and in spheres of local development (Galloway and Dunlop 17). Culture and art have taken a center stage in the agendas covered by policy-making, and this is evident from the economic regeneration models adopted by Netherlands, Scotland, Singapore, New Zealand and South Korea among other countries (Galloway and Dunlop 18). Irrespective of the growing interest in cities and their histories, the museums of different cities have received less attention as sources of valid information about the places of multiple eras and shapes. City museums have continued to be viewed as extraneous and unresponsive to the changes taking place within the societies around them, therefore not beneficial to the residents of the city (Filene 14). Taking into account the centrality of contemporary city life, city museums among other art centers, should not only act as tourist and historical centers in the city, but should assume a more central role in contemporary city life (Butler-Bowdon and Hunt 76-77). In the case of Rotterdam, the Museum of Rotterdam has played a key role, over a number of years, towards increasing the role and the importance of the present city. In response to post-modern trends, the museum has done more than positioning the modern city as the central point of its work (Marstine 28). The transnational na ture of the city has become the focal point of the policies developed by the museum, and the workers of the museum have taken up the responsibility of mediating between the works of the museum, the ways in which it presents art and the life of the people in the city. Towards realizing the goal of regenerating the city, the museum trains its curators, enabling them to develop the ability to use fashionable heritage as an important ingredient in creating the future of the

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