Saturday, September 28, 2019

What Form Will Domestic Terrorism Take in the Future in the United Research Paper

What Form Will Domestic Terrorism Take in the Future in the United States - Research Paper Example This was a form of domestic terrorism since the perpetrators of the bombing were US citizens. This paper discusses the form that domestic tourism is likely to take in future in the US. It presents a comparison of the right wing comprised of white extremists, left wing, animal and eco terrorists and the influx of radical Islam in to the US. Right vs Left Wing Movements Both right and left wing movements share revolutionary ideologies. According to FBI (2009), the militia movement remains the most recent anti-government right wing movement. These extremist groups have been persistent in the US since the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma. The extremists comprise people who share anti-government ideologies. They are opposed to taxation by the federal government as well as the regulations imposed on economic activities. The militias also resist the federal government’s involvement in international activities as well as equality with regards to racial and religious minorit ies. In other words, they can be described as white supremacists and anti-government groups. The Ku Klux Klan is one of the renowned white supremacist groups. FBI further notes that right wing terrorist groups such as the Skinheads and the neo-nazis are significant security threats to the US. They engage in activities such as bombing as well as indiscriminate shooting in cities (Mullins and Young, 2010). Bjelopera (2011) argues that leaders of these groups promote the advancement of highly structured conspiracy theories making members to believe and behave in ways that make the group undesirable to the law abiding citizens. Some of them advocate for the removal of the term ‘illegal fire arms’ depicting that they would wish that they be allowed to own weapons. Considering their extremist ideologies and the fact that some have paramilitary organizational structures, the federal government has made concerted efforts to quell any terrorist plans that may cause harm to the p ublic through arresting any person possessing illegal arms. The more the federal government exerts pressure on these extremist groups, the greater their efforts to make their ideologies acknowledgeable among susceptible citizens. According to Lerner (2003), right wing extremists make efforts to affirm the need for pursuant of their goals. Their strategy is focused on indoctrination of the public with false philosophies against the government. Left wing domestic terrorism dates back to the late 19th century in the US. It was associated with anarchist groups who were against capitalism. These groups were backed by revolutionary immigrants from Eastern Europe (FBI 2009). Even though left wing terrorism began to decline in the mid 1980s, they left a trail of destruction, worst of all the killing of President William McKinley in 1901 and several bombings perpetrated on US industrialists and capitalists. The most recent left wing groups include; Weather Underground, SLA and the FALN among others who used strategies that instilled fear among the public such as widespread kidnapping and bombing of populous places such as Chicago’s Haymarket. These were among the strategies that the left wing terrorists used to attract attention to their ideologies. However, according to FBI, the only active left wing extremist group is the Puerto Rican separatist movement (Mullins and Young, 2010). Animal and Eco Terrorists Animal and eco terrorists are groups that focus on special interests such as

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