Monday, September 9, 2019

Critically discuss the adoption of EMS as a vehicle to achieve Essay

Critically discuss the adoption of EMS as a vehicle to achieve sustainability of company operations - Essay Example Environmental management is in a perspective of sustainable development. Environmental management systems are based on reference standards. The most widespread is ISO 14001. There is also the European Regulation EMAS, based on ISO 14001, but with additional requirements (among others, the public environmental statement) (IEMA’s Environmentalist 2008). The startlingly certified ISO 4001 possesses several benefits that include the significant cost, long, and short term advantages still they were implemented, and it was found there are more ways to improve it. The standard ISO 14001 is the most widely used standards in the series of standards ISO 14000 concerning the environmental management. It was conducted by the International Organization for Standardization, known internationally by the acronym ISO is automatically included in the naming standards (IEMA’s Environmentalist 2008). ... specifically requires the implementation of the basic environmental feedback before establishing the EMS while ISO 14001 recommends that such a practice is really beneficial to establish the EMS, and it identifies the consequences and signifies the environmental factors (International Standard Organization 2012). The EMAS requires the preparation of an environmental statement, to be available publicly. This statement must be externally verified to ensure the reliability of the information. No requirement of the environmental statement in ISO 14001 Originally, the EMAS applied only to the industrial sector (mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water supply, and solid and liquid waste), but has since expanded its borders considerably and now includes service industries and governments local (International Standard Organization 2012: Isodanisman 2012). ISO 14001 can be functional to existing business processes or particular actions, which take place within the compa ny while the EMAS only applies to a "place of operations" The EMAS provides that a company must "fulfill all relevant requirements relating to the environment" while ISO 14001 only states that there must be a "commitment to comply" environmental legislation and regulations (International Standard Organization 2012; Isodanisman 2012). The EMAS provides that the audit of a management system and environmental performance should be done, or completed the audit cycle, at least every three years while the ISO 14001 does not specify the frequency of audits The EMAS environmental policy states that must include a commitment to continual improvement in environmental performance, with a view to reduce impacts to levels not exceeding those corresponding to economically viable application of best

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