Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Use of Steroids in Athletics and its Effects on Athletes Essay

The Use of Steroids in Athletics and its Effects on Athletes According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, an athlete is defined as â€Å"a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina.† Athletes train and practice year-round to prepare for the competition and challenges. At times during the preparation, injuries are sustained and fatigue is endured. To rid themselves of these obstacles, athletes take performance-enhancing drugs, which are also known as steroids. In the United States, the use of steroids is illegal without a prescription. When it comes to punishing athletes for the use of performance-enhancing drugs, depending on what sport and/or what league you are playing in, the penalty is dramatically different. For example, if you are found using steroids during the winter or summer Olympics, you automatically receive a two-year suspension for a positive test (Bodley 1). If you are caught a second time using performance-enhancing stimulants, you receive a lifetime ban from the Olympics (Bodley 1). In comparison, the National Hockey League does not have any drug testing or punishment at all for steroid use. Steroids promote muscle growth and the development of male sexual characteristics (National Drug Treatment Center). Consequently, steroids are often abused by athletes to enhance athletic performance and to improve physical appearance (National Drug Treatment Center). Steroids are available in many ways including tablets, liquid, gel, and cream form (National Drug Treatment Center). Charles Yesalis, a steroids expert, believes these drugs can affect you for a long time. "They (steroids) can assist you a decade or more after you last used them. They can take you to a place you neither have the time nor the ability to get to yourself, and if you continue with the right exercise and diet, you don't go back to zero" (Brennan). What the public does not see is the long term deleterious side effects. Some of these include cardiovascular deterioration, liver and kidney problems, sterility, mood swings, depression, and impotence. The side effects range from reversible to irreversible and vary in their severity. Because steroid use has not been prominent in sports for a significant number of years, the public has not been exposed to the ravages of long term use. Consequently, the typic... ...xistence due to the money they earn, the notoriety they receive, and their working conditions. The public already perceives them as overpaid, overindulged, and under worked. Now the players have the added stigma of being perceived as insolent lawbreakers. The irreparable harm they have caused themselves and their sport will not soon be forgotten by the average fan. Most professional athletes have an easy life, but the least they can do is keep an even playing field when providing entertainment for the general public. Steroids cause profound damage to the body long term, significantly outweighing the short term benefits need to be eliminated from sports. Works Cited â€Å"Baseball's timeline of denial.† Arizona Republic. 16 Mar. 2005. Bodley, Hal. (1) â€Å"Baseball officials announce tougher steroids policy.† USA Today. 13 Jan. 2005. Bodley, Hal. (2) â€Å"MLB to change steroid player-suspension language.† USA Today. 21 Mar. 2005 Brennan, Christine. â€Å"Bonds' feats raise red flags.† USA Today. 9 Dec. 2004. â€Å"Congressman floats idea of all-sports test plan.† Associated Press. 10 Mar. 2005. Jenkins, Chris. â€Å"Players admit steroids changed baseball.† USA Today. 16 Mar. 2005. The Use of Steroids in Athletics and its Effects on Athletes Essay The Use of Steroids in Athletics and its Effects on Athletes According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, an athlete is defined as â€Å"a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina.† Athletes train and practice year-round to prepare for the competition and challenges. At times during the preparation, injuries are sustained and fatigue is endured. To rid themselves of these obstacles, athletes take performance-enhancing drugs, which are also known as steroids. In the United States, the use of steroids is illegal without a prescription. When it comes to punishing athletes for the use of performance-enhancing drugs, depending on what sport and/or what league you are playing in, the penalty is dramatically different. For example, if you are found using steroids during the winter or summer Olympics, you automatically receive a two-year suspension for a positive test (Bodley 1). If you are caught a second time using performance-enhancing stimulants, you receive a lifetime ban from the Olympics (Bodley 1). In comparison, the National Hockey League does not have any drug testing or punishment at all for steroid use. Steroids promote muscle growth and the development of male sexual characteristics (National Drug Treatment Center). Consequently, steroids are often abused by athletes to enhance athletic performance and to improve physical appearance (National Drug Treatment Center). Steroids are available in many ways including tablets, liquid, gel, and cream form (National Drug Treatment Center). Charles Yesalis, a steroids expert, believes these drugs can affect you for a long time. "They (steroids) can assist you a decade or more after you last used them. They can take you to a place you neither have the time nor the ability to get to yourself, and if you continue with the right exercise and diet, you don't go back to zero" (Brennan). What the public does not see is the long term deleterious side effects. Some of these include cardiovascular deterioration, liver and kidney problems, sterility, mood swings, depression, and impotence. The side effects range from reversible to irreversible and vary in their severity. Because steroid use has not been prominent in sports for a significant number of years, the public has not been exposed to the ravages of long term use. Consequently, the typic... ...xistence due to the money they earn, the notoriety they receive, and their working conditions. The public already perceives them as overpaid, overindulged, and under worked. Now the players have the added stigma of being perceived as insolent lawbreakers. The irreparable harm they have caused themselves and their sport will not soon be forgotten by the average fan. Most professional athletes have an easy life, but the least they can do is keep an even playing field when providing entertainment for the general public. Steroids cause profound damage to the body long term, significantly outweighing the short term benefits need to be eliminated from sports. Works Cited â€Å"Baseball's timeline of denial.† Arizona Republic. 16 Mar. 2005. Bodley, Hal. (1) â€Å"Baseball officials announce tougher steroids policy.† USA Today. 13 Jan. 2005. Bodley, Hal. (2) â€Å"MLB to change steroid player-suspension language.† USA Today. 21 Mar. 2005 Brennan, Christine. â€Å"Bonds' feats raise red flags.† USA Today. 9 Dec. 2004. â€Å"Congressman floats idea of all-sports test plan.† Associated Press. 10 Mar. 2005. Jenkins, Chris. â€Å"Players admit steroids changed baseball.† USA Today. 16 Mar. 2005.

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