Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Therapy Group Health And Social Care Essay
Taking into consideration the peculiar traits of my personality and my ain experiences on a idiosyncratic degree every bit good as on an interpersonal communicating degree, I have concluded that the most representative theoretical psychotherapeutic attack for myself is the 1 of Carl Rogers ââ¬Ë . The basic rules of the healer ââ¬Ës earnestness, genuineness and ââ¬Å" understanding â⬠, every bit good as credence, empathy and apprehension of the patient constitute some characteristics that comply with my point of position. The Rogerian impression group centered therapy, every bit good as the impression of self-actualisation reflect most accurately the values that I would wish to function. I?Ià ±I? I?Ià ±Iââ¬Å¾ ââ¬Ë Ià µIÃâ Ià I?Iââ¬Å¾Ià ±I?Ià · the ââ¬Å" group centered â⬠. I respect profoundly the client ââ¬Ës authorization to be able to find himself the therapy he needs and to take it at his ain gait ; therefore, run intoing his basic demands fo r acknowledgment, equal intervention and grasp. The topic of the therapy group which I would organize would be the support of people with physical disablements. The grounds of this pick are varied: first of all, it is an issue that intrigues me ; I find it peculiarly interesting, disputing and attractive from a humanistic, but besides from a professional point of position. So, I would wish to specialise in guidance and psychotherapeutics of people with disablements, as a professional option. The topographic point in which meetings will be held is a critical issue for the group, because people in wheel-chairs must hold entree towards their finish. It is really of import for them to experience that they can travel approximately and go around comfortably, without troubles and obstructions such as stepss, narrow lifts, long distances and other similar hindrances. The physical scene of the group must give them a sense of being welcomed, without stressing their distinction. For that ground, it is indispensable that the topographic point of meetings be easy accessible to people with gesture disablements ( for illustration, means of mass transit that can function them ) . The infinite must be on the groundfloor and if it is on a higher degree the lift must be big plenty and rage should be available. Besides, the dimensions of the room must let a comfy moving in it. Furthermore, that topographic point has to supply the members with privateness, freedom from distraction and to let them to sit in a circle, so that they can see, detect and interact straight with one another. The nature of that group involves some specialnesss. The fact that, these people get tired easy and rapidly, every bit good as that they need person else to assist and function them sets some bounds. The continuance of the meetings should non transcend, but respect the members ââ¬Ë physical bounds. On the other manus, the clip must be plenty, so that the group will be able to analyse all the issues raised by all members. So, a meeting should last 2 to 2,5 hours with 1 or 2 interruptions. Of class, in instance of any crisis or occasion during a meeting, the session can last more than 2,5 hours. Because of the specialnesss of these people, the fast beat of life and of fiscal grounds, the frequence of the meetings would be one time a hebdomad. The life-span of the group would be brief and would last about six months, in other words 25-30 meetings. The short life-span presupposes that the leader will be required to maintain attending to some affairs. As the healer, I will hold to clear up the ends of the group and to remain focused on them. The choice and the readying of the members must be done with great attention, so that dropouts and misinterpretations are prevented. By and large, the limited life of the group requires a specific mental set and clip direction.Size of the GroupThe ideal size of the group would be 7-8 members. It is a figure of participants that allows effectual interaction among them. The group would be closed ; therefore, given that some members could drop out, it would be functional to get down the group with a spot larger size, that is to state with 8-9 people. The tracts of interaction will be unfastened among all members, including the leader, as shown in the diagram.( The points stand for the membe rs and the healer of the group, while the lines represent the synergistic tracts of communicating. )Intake procedures ââ¬â a ) The Selection of MembersThe manner that the choice of members is accomplished is irregular. The healer, on a general footing, must be concerned with which patient will be excluded from the group and so, more specifically, with who will be included. It is easier to find the people who do non run into the demands of engagement, than the 1s who do. This process will take topographic point during the pregroup consumption interview. The basic standard for the exclusion of some individuals from the group is his likeliness for dropout. Therefore, during the consumption interview all the features and the factors which may ensue in dropout must be clarified. Peoples with terrible abnormal psychology, lower IQ, less psychological mindedness and likeability, lower socioeconomic category, high denial to alter and high somatization are really likely to dropout. External factors like scheduling jobs, traveling of the town and declaration of some instant crisis could take to premature expiration of the therapy. Group deviancy, jobs of familiarity, fright of emotional contagious disease, coincident person and group therapy constitute some of the factors for dropout and must be screened out and examined with cautiousness and duty. Peoples with features and attitudes as the above would be excluded. Without dissing, I would propose them to get down an single therapy, or I would mention them to another group suited with their demands and ends. On the other manus, there are some human traits that could take to a successful engagement in the group. Peoples with grate motive and willingness are the best campaigners for the group. Besides, the credence of duty for intervention and the desire to alter are positive characteristics and standards for inclusion in the group. Therefore, the group will able to work functionally and to ensue in, the positive result of alteration.B ) The Intake InterviewAll the above are portion of the consumption interview. The intent of the interview is, on one manus, the definition of the standards for exclusion or inclusion in the group and on the other manus, the anticipation of the interpersonal behaviour of the members. Therefore, during the prescreening interview, the object of the enquiry is non merely the patient as a topic of psychological scrutiny and diagnosing, but besides his interpersonal attitudes, accomplishments and interaction with the healer. I think it is necessary for the individual who is traveling to take part in the therapy group to undergo a series of diagnostic procedures, such as a recording of his single background, an IQ trial and a projective trial. For that intent, as a healer I have in my disposal the Weschler IQ trial and the Ià ¤.Iââ¬Ë.Ià ¤ . personality trial ( Thematic Apperception Test ) . The interpersonal consumption interview is every bit of import as the ââ¬Å" diagnosing â⬠. This procedure aims at analyzing the abilities and qualities of the patient, so that he can run into the demands for interpersonal communicating with the healer. The conditions of the interview have to be every bit similar as possible to those that will be shaped in the group. This is necessary, because the more similar they are, the more accurate and distinct the anticipation of interpersonal behaviour will be. Thus, the healer ââ¬Ës duty is to make an ambiance and norms resembling to those of the meetings ( such as freedom of address, regard of others, honestness, active engagement, interaction, self-contemplation, self-disclosure, giving-taking feedback, etc ) . Furthermore, it is of import that the interview will mention to ââ¬Å" here and now â⬠, so that the observation may take to the most utile information. Finally, the prospective member will be submitted to inquiries related to his/her past interpersonal relationships in the household, work, school, nines etc. To finish the consumption interview, I think two or three meetings at least are required. The clip before the beginning of the group therapy is important for the illation extraction about the hereafter members, every bit good as for their psychological Celsius ) Preparation of the MembersThe members ââ¬Ë readying for the therapy aims at making the fortunes which are important for their best and most effectual engagement into the group. Therefore, during the initial process, I consider elucidation of certain misinterpretations refering group therapy, really of import. Of equal importance are: informing the prospective member about some issues that he/she might disregard, beef uping his/her positive elements sing therapy and cut downing the negative 1s. It is particularly of import that group therapy is considered every bit valuable as the single 1. Furthermore, for the specific people, group therapy is likely to be a more efficient and immediate intervention, every bit far as the peculiar ends are concerned and this has to be clear ; it is necessary that the belief in and the outlook from the therapy is instilled. During the readying phase, the healer must be certain that every member ââ¬Ës personal ends from the therapy suit the group ââ¬Ës ends. Furthermore, the leader has to do a description and a full presentation of the procedures which will be followed and of the curative environment, stressing the of import elements of safety and trust. I would depict the group as a school of self-exploration and find, every bit good as an chance for societal look and engagement. I would propose to the members to be simple, honest and direct, in order to take part in the group the best manner they can ; besides, I would advert the uncomfortable feelings and the possible letdowns they might see, indicating out that the ââ¬Å" alteration â⬠might necessitate some hurting and, decidedly, some clip. In add-on to that, I would advert the basic regulations of confidentiality, every bit good as the necessity of avoiding subgrouping. The readying stage helps the prospective members to go familiar with the thought and the future work of the group. Therefore, their motivations to fall in the group will be stimulated, while any possible anxiousness or emphasis will be decreased.The Group CompositionHarmonizing to the description and the particular characteristics of the group, it could be considered as a homogenous therapy group. The fact that the members will hold a similar organic structure image and symptoms, leads to that decision. However, this homogeneousness will non mention to the personalities of the people. In order to be functional, the group should integrate different personalities and behaviours, so that the members can work on an synergistic footing. As a healer, I do non mean to make a hapless group, which will merely supply a short alleviation of psychological symptoms and a support for a limited clip. On the contrary, the coexistence of many different and heterogenous sorts of behaviour and of assorted psychological ways of confronting the job -physical disability- will ensue in a more synergistic and disputing group. Furthermore, the members will change in age, but they will belong to the same age class ( grownups, 20-50 old ages old ) . A great age difference could do troubles in communicating and common apprehension among them, or it could convey a sense of isolation. The symptom homogeneousness is likely to trip a series of curative factors, in a really short period of clip. The fact that the members will portion common and similar experiences in relation to their physical specialness, will ensue in coherence and catholicity even from the first meetings. The support they will offer one another and the exchange of suggestions and advice on specific issues, will convey into action selflessness and interpersonal acquisition. On the other manus, the already activated curative factors will assist with the more mature confrontation of any struggles or dissensions during the therapy, raised from the members ââ¬Ë heterogeneousness. Therefore, the coexistence of those two elements, homogeneousness and heterogeneousness, is of critical importance for the positive result of the therapy.Announcement of the GroupThe proclamation of the therapy group can be done in many different ways. First, it can be advertised in certain specialised magazines, which addr ess to people with disablements, such as ââ¬Å" ORIZONTAS TON PARAPLIGIKON â⬠, ââ¬Å" ISOTIMIA â⬠and ââ¬Å" ANAPIRIA TORA â⬠. It can besides be published in the specialised web site Furthermore, there can be postings hanged in the cardinal offices of the organisations for the handicapped people, every bit good as in private offices of physicians and physical therapists. Finally, a all right manner to advance the group is a personal contact with people who are likely to be interested or could inform some others about it. The response might non be so immediate, so the procedure of the proclamation has to get down rather early before the beginning day of the month of the group meetings.In conclusionaÃâ à ¦All the above describe a possible creative activity of a therapy group and of its initial processs on a theoretical footing. However, the practical execution might differ significantly from the image presented in this assignment. The leading of such a group requires exceeding professional makings and a magnetic personality in order to cover with people with physical disablements. The differentiation between the human inclinations of empathy, emotional presence, protection and support from commiseration is rather hard some times and it demands experience and particular accomplishments from the healer. The nature of the group requires a great trade of duty, which might arouse inordinate emphasis to the healer, particularly during the first meetings. However, the sense of satisfaction and fulfilment that rises from the working with such a group of people, can be really intense. Giving and assisting people who have a more obvious demand for alleviation, credence, support and love than the able-bodied, constitutes a gift of psyche, which is to be returned to the 1 who offered it. The balance lies someplace in between. The aureate mean that separates the professional healer from the emotional homo being, but which unites them at the same clip.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Ethical Decision making by School Principals Essay
Principals are faced with the challenge of managing schools and there is need for them to be ethical, respectful, inspiring, creative and knowledgeable about methods of instruction and the culture of the school and curriculum. These principals are also faced with the challenge of knowing and identifying areas of support that is able to enhance the schoolââ¬â¢s mission and also manage the areas that impede the achievement of a stated mission of the school. Since the needs of students are ever changing, they should also be in a position to make both smaller and larger adjustments that could be beneficial to the school and easily manageable by the organization in the management of these decisions. (Sousa, 2003, pp. 195-198). A decision is termed as ethical when it is able to bring about positive results and does not harm other people or the third party. These decisions are able to bring forth respect, trust, fairness and caring, responsibility and demonstrate good citizenship. When a decision accomplishes the needs of people together with their purposes, it is then termed as an effective decision. Ethically sound decisions are mostly advanced by two critical aspects namely discernment and discipline. For a decision to poses the aspect of discernment, it requires judgment and knowledge. The strength of character on the other hand, makes up a good decision and this takes moral change and the will power to be able to do what needs to be done (Hoy & Tarter 2004, pp. 56-60). Ethical decision making calls for good leadership from principals. Leadership may be described as the authority or ability of an individual or individuals to lead others towards the achievement of a goal. It involves directing and influencing others towards the accomplishment of the stated common objectives and involves responsibility and accountability for the group. There are various leadership styles that are used today in many organizations and institutions. The autocratic type of leaders apply unilateralist while dominating their team-members in order to achieve a particular objective. However, this method often results to resistance from the team- members, as this style generally requires constant pressure and a lot of direction to get things done. On the other hand, this style could be more effective in urgent situations requiring urgent action (Schiminke, 1998, pp. 107-110). In the Laissez-Faire leadership, little control is exercised by managers over their groups. This allows the team-members to sort out their duties and obligations but the manager is not in any way involved with them. This style of leadership however is ineffective at certain circumstances since the team is left floundering with limited motivation and direction. Laissez- faire is effective in cases whereby a manager leads a team that is highly skilled and motivated and these people have in the past produced excellent work. The Democratic leader on other hand often uses participation and the groupsââ¬â¢ teamwork towards attaining a collaborative decision. This style focuses on communication between the leader and the team and hence a positive climate for achieving results is created. The leaders consult their teams before making a decision while still in control of the team. These leaders allow the team to make decisions on how certain duties will be carried out and by whom (Schiminke, 1998, pp. 107-110). In addition, a good democratic leader is one who approves participation by team members and delegation of duties or tasks is done wisely. This kind of a leader values the points put forward from them and also encourages any group discussion. He also empowers the team through motivation. On leadership styles include a coercive leader, authoritative. Leader, affiliative leader, pace setting and a coaching leader. A coercive leader demands obedience, which should be instantaneous and applies initiative, achievement and self-control. In times of crisis or company turn around, this style is considered to be more effective but it mostly creates a negative climate for the performance in an organization. The authoritative leader on the other hand is considered to be one of the most effective as this leader inspires employees to follow a vision, facilitate change and creates a strong organizational climate that results in positive performance. The affiliative leadership values people, their emotions and their needs and relies on friendship and trust to promote flexibility, innovation and risk taking. A pacesetting leader can create a negative climate because of the high standards he or she sets. This style works best in attaining quick results from highly motivated individuals who value achievement and take the initiative. Lastly, the coaching leader builds a positive climate by developing skills that will foster long-term success. This type of leader also delegates responsibly, and is skillful in issuing assignments that are quite challenging. Leadership entails organizing people in a bid to achieve the stated goals of the group. It is therefore essential that leaders should posses certain basic qualities that will enable them to be effective leaders in whatever situation or task they undertake (Guy, 1990 pp. 105-107). Leaders should display a good work ethic that will enable other employees to emulate. A good work ethic includes: being on time, being organized giving praise to employees, being well prepared for meetings and having good communication within the venture that will go a long way towards achieving emotional and financial success. Therefore a leader should set an example with an ethical set of values for other managers and employees. For a leader to be effective, he/she should be willing to constantly learn at the same time integrate the knowledge they have acquired through learning into their leadership style. They must also develop skills that will promote them into being good leaders. Another quality of a good leader is that they should constantly keep up with the current trends in leadership and be aware that the leadership styles are constantly changing. In other words these leaders should be open to change. A good leader should also be able to mobilize people and acquire their trust in the process. Good leaders should also have the ability to communicate effectively with their subordinates communication is an essential aspect since it involves both listening and sending messages or telling others what needs to be done. Moral leaders are in a position to produce good moral leadership. They mostly apply restraint and power in their leadership. They are willing to accept any results without imposing control on other people. This is stewardship. It enables leaders to accept their faults which are human instead of shielding themselves under their authority and status. Ethics can be described as the codes of conduct that guide on how one should behave regarding moral duties and virtues. These moral principles guide a person in determining what is wrong or right. Morality by principals can be termed as personal ethics. This is because personal ethics reflect the expectations of people of all works in the society. Ethics has got two aspects: the ability to determine right from wrong, propriety from impropriety and good from evil. The second perspective concerns the commitment to perform an action that is proper, right and good. The principles of personal ethics include: trustworthiness and honesty, concern for the well being of others preventing harm refusing to take unfair advantage, respect for the autonomy of others and basic justice. Ethics as displayed by principals in schools or any other leaders could be classified as under written and unwritten codes of ethics: codes of ethics are the efforts which are systematic in nature and are used in defining the right conduct. They also provide guidance and help in the installation of confidence in various aspects of life from the government and all organizations. The main guidance is reflected in the decision making process especially where values seem to conflict. Written codes of ethics can be made known by an organization, professional or jurisdiction. On the other hand unwritten codes that exist and that help us in our lives are more effective than the written ones. Un written codes of ethics include rules such as honesty, security, loyalty among others. These unwritten codes of ethics mostly arise from family and cultural tradition and can also be found in workplace. These written and unwritten codes of ethics mostly arise from family and cultural tradition and can also be found in workplace. These written and unwritten codes of ethics are found in the society and they help one in establishing their personal belief system. Ethical behaviors should be a part and parcel of an individualââ¬â¢s daily routine (Murphy & McMurty, 2000. pp. 110-115). I believe that Principals need to make strategic decisions since society and environment are dynamic and this provides them with a means that is strategic in nature that could enable them consider the external environment by focusing on the strength of the school organization, reducing weaknesses in school and also identify all the available opportunities that could put the school at a better position to be able to gain a competitive advantage. School principals are able to make an ethically defensible decision when the decision is well thought considering all the formal possible angels meaning that everybody takes part in decision making. In addition, ethically sound decisions in corporate all the possible solutions regarding the positive and negative outcomes of the decision. The decisions made by school principles need to involve a consultative process, team or group process or delegated duties to the staff members. This will help principals to come up with an ethically sound decision that will have a positive impact to all the members of the society which includes the students. Today, school leaders are the people who are accountable ethically, legally and morally for any decisions that they make in schools. Dempster and Parry (1999) note that the schools pressure mainly arise from four sources that is pressure of involving non-educationalists in the decision making in schools; changes in the growth of knowledge and applying the new advanced technology in learning processes; increased social problems such as suicide, violence and unemployment. This means that school leaders are constantly faced with ethical dilemmas while making decisions in schools hence resulting in conflicting ethical principles. Therefore how ethics/morals impact on decision-making is profound as this could easily change the way society operates. Foster (1986) also notes that it is the actions by the officials of the school that will strongly determine personal codes of ethics and values (Shapiro, 2000, pp. 120-125). On the ethical decision making by principals in schools, Denig and Quinn (2001) proposed a philosophical model with two moral principles namely; care and justice. They argue that most of the decisions that are made by school leaders, are mainly based on formalism which is policy and law and this is aimed at bringing about the greatest good to all (utilitarianism). In other words, this approach clearly views decision making as a rational approach that involves the use of universal principles. The decision maker performs what is right that could result in good deeds to all rather than individualism hence equity becomes the desirable outcome. They also point out that it is only through making decisions by collaborative means that these leaders can be able to analyze the dilemmas and get prepared to encompass the principle of working together with the school system and this eventually results in making decisions that are ethical (Sousa, 2003, pp. 195-198). Greenfield (19991) on the other hand argues that school leaders experience distinct sets of demands concerning ethics. He notes that schools being moral institutions are designed to bring for the social norms and other principles. They should be able to make decisions that are morally acceptable. He further notes that although schools are charged with the responsibility of creating moral values and making moral decisions by dedicating themselves to promote the well-being of their students, it is surprising that the same students have virtually no right to express themselves to what goes on in their schools and it is for these reasons that the conduct of these school leaders need to be moral (Kowalski, 2001, pp. 5-98). Robert Starratt (1991) also talks of equality in social arrangement benefits by arguing that todayââ¬â¢s social arrangement results to unequal benefits among people. He argues that school principles should not only behave ethically but also be responsible individuals. Lastly, Green field argues that the authority of the principal is moral and teachers should be convinced that the decisions make by the principal reflects all the values that they support (Nutt, 2002, pp. 50-54). Kidder (1995) defines an ethical dilemma as the responsibilities that people face in making choices between two rights cherished values that conflict are the principle cause of dilemmas. For instance a principal is bound to be faced with a dilemma if at all he/she cherishes both the teacher and student and the teacher decides to enact a policy that will result in low expectations. Some philosophers and thinkers have come up with a number of guidelines that could help to solve these dilemmas faced by school leaders. They argue that leaders should be able and willing to act along the set standards of ethics. They could also address and also should be caring and conscious reflection whenever they lead other people (Nutt, 2002, pp. 50-54). School leaders could also form ethics committees to help them solve ethical dilemmas as these committees could prove helpful in raising the awareness concerning ethical issues, advising educators and also in the formulation of codes of ethics. A quality decision that is made by a school principal will depend on a number of factors made, extent to which others are able to generate a quality solution, how the problem is structured and the degree of commitment. Moreover, decisions made in schools require a lot of staff decision and support. School principals also need to understand the culture of their schools while attempting to make any decisions as this will establish whether the decision made is appropriate for the school. Therefore, these head teachers need to analyze and comprehend any relevant and comprehend any relevant information presented to them together with data. They also need to gather and measure evidence, issue judgments and finally make the necessary decisions. Creativity is essential as these will help in solving any anticipating problems hence development of opportunities for the school. Finally, school principals should be in a position to demonstrate quality judgment. This will enable them to know how and when they need to make any decisions among others. Decisions made by school principals could be autocratic, consultative, Group or Delegated decisions. An autocratic decision is that which the school principal makes it himself / herself by use of the available information or gathered from other groups or people. This therefore requires these school leaders to make appropriate and quick decisions when expected to do them at a particular point in time consultation on the other hand means that a problem has to be shared amongst individuals in order to obtain collective views or ideas but the school principal has to make the final decision afterwards.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Flower of Service Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Flower of Service Model - Essay Example For example, the company may take payments before delivering the service, that is, in advance. If the organization is capable of possessing a well-managed service delivery system, the flower of service is fresh and the petals are well-formed along with the core; however, if the service delivery is mismanaged, the petals are discolored and malformed, even if the core (product) is perfectly designed. Also, it is not mandatory that the above mentioned eight services will become the petals of the flower of service; instead, it depends on the nature of the core product which services are to be added in order to facilitate service delivery or add value to the core product. This variation in services (or the petals) makes it easy for the customers to interact with the organization. To conclude, effective management of supplementary services leads to a well-formed flower representing the overall success of the organization; while, ill-managed supplementary services deform the flower which shows that the organization is being poorly
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Article report of making tough calls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Article report of making tough calls - Essay Example In this paper, we shall be discussing the different aspects that make a true leader especially when making tough calls. It is often extremely essential for every leader to be able to understand what is going on in his organization, as well as have the ability to make necessary adjustments so that his capabilities can be considered an asset. Strong Personality Character can be considered to be a compass because it guides a leader about what he decision he must make. Moreover, a leader has to have the courage to follow through all the decisions that he has made because without it, then his decisions will not work, and will in fact, become meaningless (Gee, 2000). Therefore, without character and courage, a leader will not succeed and he/ she will be seen to falter when the time comes to make difficult choices. If a leader falters, then the organization he runs will also most likely fail. Making the Right Decisions at the Right Time Many leaders throughout history have been unsuccessful because they have failed to make the right decisions when these decisions were needed the most (Stoll, 2009). Every leader has to have the ability to find out the situations that need their immediate attention. After identifying these situations, they have to consider the best solution for them. They have to study the situations exceptionally well and understand them so that their decisions can be correct and well informed. Moreover, failing to understand the situations means that they will likely make the wrong call, which will end up being faulty. The next step to be considered is making a decision according to how best the leader understands the situations. A principled leader must ensure that he has received the opinion of all those involved in order to make a well-balanced call. It is only after he has listened to the input of these people and has made an assessment that the situation does indeed need a call, that he should make a decision concerning how to solve the problem. The third step should be the implementation of the leaderââ¬â¢s decision, and this has to be done under his direct supervision. This is to ensure that the decision is implemented to the latter and that no mistakes are made. It will further ensure that the correct results are achieved and not those that are undesirable. The Development of Knowledge Leaders require sufficient knowledge of their organization to ensure that their decisions are highly effective. In order to acquire this knowledge, the leader has to do his own investigations within the organization and come up with as much information about it as he can. He should be ready to stop old practices and be prepared to adopt new ones, which will help in the effective running of his organization. Moreover, he should show some enlightenment through learning his own weaknesses and striving towards mastering them. After doing this, he should consult with his subordinates so that he can get their opinions of how the organization is running as well as where they think improvements should be made (Tichy and Bennis, 2008). A leader cannot do well without the support of his subordinates and to gain this support, he should treat them as equals, listening to their opinions and consulting them wherever the need to do so arises. This will ensure a close relationship with them, and because of their loyalty; they will give their best towards the achievement of the
Shareholders Enjoy Growth at Dick's Sporting Goods Assignment - 30
Shareholders Enjoy Growth at Dick's Sporting Goods - Assignment Example As the paper outlines, one of the key successes of Dick's Sporting Goods is the fact that products are stocked according to a local area's seasons. This can reduce costs, which in turn the company can pass onto the customers in the form of cheaper yet high-quality products. Another reason why business has flourished is that Ed Stack has placed key emphasis on the customer experience. For any business that is struggling to establish itself in the marketplace, developing strong relationships with customers is one of the few things that can be controlled. There are so many other variables that can change depending on different factors, but being nice and courteous to customers is something that is attainable. Ed Stack has realized this and the result has been that many repeat customers have been created.Ã The reason why rapid growth can sometimes be a bad thing for a company is that it has not prepared to expand business operations. Few experts can predict when a company will take off , so when it does it often happens by surprise. This causes the firm to adjust its strategic goals and objectives, and sometimes it does not have long enough to accurately form these. Another reason why rapid growth is not such a good idea is that expenses tend to rise faster than revenue, creating a short-term loss. While this may not prove to be fatal to a company, it can mean that the company has to secure external financing in order to break even and doing this can strain company finances and resources. It is often the case that steady growth is better than rapid growth for the long term because the company can adapt its strategies at a pace that keeps up with the company's growth. Trying to accomplish this feat when the company is expanding rapidly is difficult to do because simple mistakes can cause damage to the company in the long term.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Easyjet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Easyjet - Assignment Example Here, the application of innovation to Easy-Jet is analyzed in the following sections of this report. The logo of turning Europe orange is much more than a logo for Easy-Jet; it is the vision to which the airlines moves by means of its various lines of businesses ââ¬â airlines being the case under consideration in this report. Easy-Jet is all about innovation and creativity; in a business where services are rather homogenous in nature, the cost advantage mainly belongs to the old names of the industry since they break-even at a much earlier time, causing issues to the new entrants. Otherwise, the competition remains cut-throat because the technology in the airlines industry is fairly replicable, and does not stay as a competitive advantage for a longer period of time. Subsequently, the importance of innovation and creativity rises as a major source of gaining the competitive advantage in the arena. There is substantial evidence in the research to reveal the fact that the strategy planned by the firm is well defined, and has goals and strategies defined in a manageable mode. The preliminary action is to define the target market which is technically the leisure seeking travelers ââ¬â as described by the corporate management of the business. Gradually, the firm is also targeting the business travelers, but the major source of revenue or the larger chunk are the leisure travelers. Alongside establishing precise target market, it is also critical to attain the network of key airports that are the major requirements for catering to the leisure class travelers since this category prefers airlines that picks them from their home town and drops them to their destiny. Along the similar lines, Easy-Jet has linked and formed networks across the key airports in Europe and the major population in the same region. Extending the same towards the frequency of flights develops
Friday, July 26, 2019
Integrated And Interdependent Global Economy Essay
Integrated And Interdependent Global Economy - Essay Example This report declares that though globalization has succeeded in making the people aware of the need of collective growth, still political problems, terrorism, internal agitations and political concerns have retarded the progress of collective economic growth. Most of the left parties all over the world are still looking suspiciously at the interdependence of economies since they are afraid of some kind of a hidden agenda in this concept by the capitalist countries. They believe that globalization and liberalization policies are implemented by these capitalist countries in order to exploit the wealth of poor countries. But in reality the China like socialist countries were blessed immensely by globalization compared to capitalist countries like America and Britain. As countries become increasingly interdependent, we must all turn our attention toward further integrating economies and making the benefits of growth inclusive, so that nobody is left behind. The end of cold war era though helped super powers to concentrate more on economic terms, increased terrorism and conflicts between countries definitely retarded the growth towards an economically prosperous world. This paper makes a conclusion that Interdependence of economy and economic integration is a subject still at its early stages of development. Though theoretically economic integration or economic interdependence concepts are believed to be the best solution for the economic development of the world as a whole, it needs to be studied more based on practical experiences in future.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Paper for Reading for Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
For Reading for - Research Paper Example The idea that Donnyââ¬â¢s father entailed four wives, whereby three consisted of whites demonstrated that he wanted to manifest to the parents that his race never prevented him from accessing love from both divides, especially the whites. The author demonstrates that their family stayed disowned by the grandparents, an issue that presented cruelties in their life. This expounds that racial discrimination inflicts torture to persons that fall prey and makes their stay miserable. The author also demonstrates that places like Hyde Park entail reservations as being settlements for biracial persons (Terry). This intents demonstrating that US consist of allocated places inhabited by certain half-colored persons, which manifests discrimination at its heightened levels. Donny remembers the grandmother threatening that he should shower well because his being black-skinned never prevented her knowing whether he was clean. The author also recalls numerous references as being ââ¬Ëniggaââ¬â¢ by children that he encountered when playing (Terry). ââ¬ËNiggaââ¬â¢ meant that the children never recognized that Donny emanated from a mixed race, but dominantly noted the African as opposed to the white race, a case that reveal s ill racial relations exhibited by persons in US. Kwei-Armah explains that his immigration into US culminated to acquire a deepened knowledge concerning racial relations. For instance, the author notably expounds that race entails a subject of intense reference amongst the US compared to its minimal consideration in Britain (Kwei-Armah 64). I render support to the authorââ¬â¢s sentiment on the bases that US presents an ill perception regarding to the Afro-Americans together with other minority groupings in the state. In addition, the author explains that US natives encounter hectic times trying to categorize persons of African-Britain descent because of the dominant American
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Matthew Broadrick Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Matthew Broadrick - Essay Example His father provided him with a stage at the age of seventeen in a workshop construction. His occupation grew majorly in two Neil Simon schemes that include the play, Brighton Beach Memoirs (1982 and 1983), and the famous film Max Dugan Returns, launched in the year 1983. He reprised the position of Eugene in the Biloxi Blues in the year 1988; he also participated in the second installment of the Simon trilogy, for both Broadway production and in the film adaption. In the third and the final installation of the trilogy, Jonathan Silverman replaced Matthew. He had his first big-screen success in the light comedy War Games in the year 1983 (Mecchi 1). He produced some of the best films that happened to be among the great hits in the film industry that include Project X (1987), which starred Helen Hunt whom he dated, Inspector Gadget in the year 1999, addicted to love in the year 1997. He has also appeared in other films that include Out on a Limb in the year 1992, the Night We Never Met in the year 1993, The Road to Wellsville in the year 1994, and The Cable Guy in the year 1996, which he produced with Jim Carrey that gave him The Best Fight award nomination. He had a car crash in year 1985, as he drove in Ireland with his beloved fiancà ©e Jennifer Grey. In that accident, a woman and her daughter were killed. In that case, he was free but he paid a fine to the relatives of the victims. In the car accident, he broke his leg. He returned to the New York stage in the revivals of old show plays such as ââ¬Ëshow the public how to succeed in business without much trying (Mecchi 2). In the year 1996, Broadrick co-produced the Infinity. He worked with his mother, and she wrote the screenplay. He did not manage to succeed as a director. He married Sarah Jessica Parker, who is also an actress. In his life, he dated Lili Taylor and was engaged to Helen Hunt. Broadrick came back to Broadway in musical
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
A Theoretical and Conceptual Critique of chapter 5 from Jeffreys. S Essay
A Theoretical and Conceptual Critique of chapter 5 from Jeffreys. S. 1997. The idea of prostitution. Spinifex. Melbourne - Essay Example Other countries consider it a misdemeanour and still others regard it as a crime punishable by death. Despite the laws made to control or regulate the process of prostitution, the idea itself and the associated questions of choice as well as empowerment remain unanswered. It is therefore important to understand the idea to appreciate the social impact of prostitution. Jeffreys (1997) discusses this idea at length and also presents several different viewpoints as well as his own about prostitution being a choice which women are allowed to make in this time and age since they should have control over their own bodies. This choices comes with the understanding that the business they are about to enter may have its own consequences and if the governments of their location recognize the issues surrounding their problems it would be beneficial for all concerned parties. For example, if the government can regulate the process and even gain tax benefits from legalized prostitution there may be a net positive social impact of the practice. Jeffreys compares the choice of prostitution with other choices that women may make in this time and age. For example, he mentions ââ¬Å"reproductive surrogacy and breast implants (Jeffreys, 1997, pg. 130)â⬠, as two choices which women are allowed to make without too many questions being asked which leads us to consider prostitution as an active choice as well. However, the idea of making prostitution a choice comes with a dangerous connotation of not drawing the line anywhere at all. For instance, a person may say that taking cocaine is a choice, using marijuana is a choice even child pornography and paedophilia is a choice. In absolute terms, they may be choices indeed since many people choose not to indulge in those activities even if they have the opportunity to do so but the choice is a conscious choice since they know what impact their actions can have on themselves and society as
Monday, July 22, 2019
Comparative Public Administration Essay Example for Free
Comparative Public Administration Essay Comparative Public Administration: Historical and sociological factors affecting administrative systems; Administration and politics in different countries; Current status of Comparative Public Administration; Ecology and administration; Riggsian models and their critique. ________________________________________________________________________ Click on JOIN THIS SITE to get instant updates on new posts on this blog. And also for INTERACTIONS AND DISCUSSIONS regarding this blogs posts JOIN ITS FACEBOOK COMMUNITY/GROUP that is mentioned on the right hand side of this page. ________________________________________________________________________ COMPARATIVE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION DEFINITION: Comparative public administration is defined as the study of administrative systems in a comparative fashion or the study of public administration in other countries. Another definition for comparative public administration is the quest for patterns and regularities in administrative action and behavior. It looks to test the effectiveness of the Classical Theorists (Fayol,Taylor,Urwick,etc) Principles of Administration effectiveness on a universal level(different political and administrative setups in developing and developed countries and their ecology) as well as develop a comparative theory of Public Administration. It is a very significant area of study in Public Administration as it helps in understanding Administrative setups and their functioning in various settings and societies/countries and what works and why it works. Also,it helps improvise administrative systems making them more efficient together with helping in adding and improvising the already existing literature/theories of Public Administration thus leading to a strong and practical theory of the subject with the help of practical experiments and analysis. COMPARATIVE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION EVOLUTION A BACKDROP: Even though comparative studies in administration date back to Aristotlian times where he sent scholars to different parts of world to study their political systems,Comparative Public Administration started off as a topic of interest post the Wilson(called the 1st comparativist) essay in 1884à where he very rightly stated that in order to know our own countrys administrative weaknesses and virtues we need to compare with others. And,he stated that administration is the best and most safe prospect of comparative studies as administrative techniques and procedures are similar almost everywhere and in fact we can learn a lot by comparing. However,it was not taken so seriously due to the the emphasis on conceptualising and structuring as well as defining Public Administration at that time was the top priority. The theorists and administrators as well as governments were busy understanding their own administrative setup before they could set off on a comparison with others. So, while this was being contemplated the First World War erupted and with its end and the establishment of the League Of Nations there came about a lot of questions regarding the need to understand the needs of the countries who were not so developed because many of them came under the British colonialism as well as other imperialist countries in order to control these and draw maximum benefit. This comparative study took a philosophical turn during the course of the second world war and its aftermath when there came the end of imperialism and colonialism and emergence of many independent states, a joint initiative by the developed countries under the United Nations(formerly called The League Of Nations) aegis to refurbish the developing an third world countries as well as to develop their own war damaged national economies. And lets not forget the beginning of Cold War between the two superpowers USA and Soviet Union which played a big part in this movement where both looked to hegemonise the world politics and economy. USA took the lead here in administrative studies and also in providing financial as well as technical help to the developing nations in order to increase their market share and also to curb communism that was a product of the Soviet Union. The USA was the hub of these studies since the Western countries lacked the institutional and administrative capacities to implement their developmentà plans post world war 2.the government,United Nations and various private institutions as well as corporates sponsored varied technical assistance programmes that enabled the public administrators,lecturers of public administration and professionals to study the same in depth as well as travel abroad and gather hands on experience and build a universal comparative theory of Public Administration. Notable in these efforts were that of the American Society For Public Administration(ASPA) American Political Science Association( APSA). The first organisation formally formed to formulate a universal comparative theory of public administration was the Comparative Administration Group(CAG) in 1960 that was a division of the ASPA , funded by the Ford foundation to study methods for improving public administration in developing countries under the chairmanship of Fred W. Riggs. More than providing administrative techniques this group became a forum for intellectuals to understand why the developing countries differ so much in practise of administration and are not able to sustain the classical theory principles of administration in their systems even though Classical theorists of administration like Fayol Weber , etc preached that their principles and models of administration were universal in their element and can be applied anywhere with greatest success. CAG gave the idea of scientific studies and emphasised on empirical and ecological(social,cultural and historical factors) study of various administrative systems. Even though the CAG had to shut shop in the early 70s since various administrators and academicians realised that due to the highly complex setting which the group had provided for comparative Public Administration studies was resulting in failures in providing really empirical assessment of administration factors in a society. They stated that it provided a very good direction but the techniques were not being specified to execute the idea. And so the studies was transferred back to the Department of Comparative Studies. Also in 1968, the first Minnowbrook Conference was held under the chairmanship of Dwight Waldo that also talked about the need for Comparative Public Administration study and analysis. Now we will discuss in detail. APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF COMPARATIVE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: 1) Ideal or Bureaucratic Approach: Bureaucratic specifications are studied for reaching conclusions and developing understanding. Under this approach structures of organisations are analysed in terms of their horizontal differentiation,vertical differentiation,span of control,etc. Procedures and rules are analysed and the framework of functioning is determined. Job specifications and descriptions at various nodes are analysed and some understanding is reached on the basis of elaborateness and degree of specialisation compared in regards to different administrative systems. The limitations of this approach is that though it has been considered simple but it does not explain the structures and their functions in society and gives a very general observation. 2) Structural Functional Approach : It is considered as a very popular approach for comparing various administrative systems and was implemented by Fred W. Riggs in his study for developing his Models of society/environment/ecology which will be discussed later in this article. This approach analyses society in terms of its various structures and their functions for reaching an understanding regarding their positioning and functioning. Structures here can refer to govt.(political arrangement) and abstract like values systems in society. Function is seen as the discharge of duties by these structures in the society. The limitation of this approach is that there has to be a correct identification of the structures before proceeding to analyse them especially in agraria-transitia and fused-prismatic societies. 3) Ecological Approach: Devised by Riggs this approach states that structures and their functions exist in an inter dependant manner. So if a study is to be undertaken of a particular structure and its function then its effects on other systems and their functions of society are also to be analysed. Limitations is that this approach is highly complex and difficult to apply. HISTORICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL FACTORS AFFECTING ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS: If one notices carefully then it is clearly evident that historical events have led to the invention of many administrative practises. Though there are aplenty,however,some examples are cited below. 1) English Administrative system: England does not possess a written constitution mainly because it was a monarchy prevailing there and the people lived there through conventions and traditions going on from time immemorial. 2) Indian Administrative system: Reservations are made as Indian society is very diverse in matters of social as well as economic status,etc after a lot of historical events like B.R a\Ambedkar and his policies as well as the British division of Hindu and Muslims and other minorities in separate electorate system,etc. There are various social laws in India that are made from society like panchayats,etc. Tribal welfare is given special attention in India due to existence of tribals in the society. Many offices(bureaucratic,political,economical,etc) are remnants of British legacy like the office of the collector,police dept,civil services,etc. Revenue administration here is a modern version inspired by historic Mughal ones. 3) USA Administrative system: Many historical and sociological factors have also shaped the American system. A few of them cited are the Civil war that lead to providing African American slaves were given the title of citizens and right to vote. Also the second civil rights movement that occurred under the aegis of Martin Luther King Jr. leading to elimination of segregation and racial discrimination between black and white Americans. 4) France Administrative system: Arrangement of Droit Administration could be seen associated with the approach and functioning of Napoleon Bonaparte who set the table for a centralised administration as an efficient administration.The storming of Bastille incident which was fuelled by economic crisis lead to the overthrow of monarchy there to republican system and led to the establishment of Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen that lead to the first step of Frances constitution framing. ADMINISTRATION AND POLITICS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES: 1) USA: The USA have a federal republican form of government where President is the national as well as executive head. There is a separate constitution(which bears allegiance to the federal constitution of 1787) as well as citizenship for every state and they are all bound together in a federation,thus all working as a whole with their autonomy intact. The Constitution of US specifies the subjects listed for the national/federal and the ones reserved for the States and also the residuary powers lie with the states only.There are three level of governments national or federal,state and local(counties,townships,cities,etc). Separation of powers between the legislature,executive and judiciary is an important aspect. The Senate (Upper House) and House of Representatives(Lower house) comprise the congress/legislature of the country. There is no specificity in the constitution regarding the administrative system but it does state that the President can from time to time as and when necessary get advise from the principal officers of the various departments regarding his duty as the chief executive of those departments. There are thirteen departments in the administration that come under the direct control of the president. The President however does not possess the authority to change/reorder his cabinet as that power lies with the Congress. Civil services in USA are also done on merit through competitive exams and also at times there are some political appointees too who are chosen by the president for their extraordinary achievement in a particular field suitable to the job. Some departments are headed by individuals whereas some are headed by Boards and Commissions. 2) UK: It is a constitutional and hereditary monarchy. In practise it is a Parliamentary democracy. The Monarch is the head and performs functions akin to the President of India. Legislature is supreme and is bicameral viz. House of Lords(upper house) and House of Commons(lower house). Executive is headed by the political executive that is the Prime Minister and his cabinet that consist of ministries staffed by civil servants under ministers. Boards and commissions are formed to operate and regulate various industries andà services. Judiciary is independent.The House of Lords is the highest court of appeal for civil cases and some criminal cases. The Senior Courts of England and Wales were originally created by the Judicature Acts as the Supreme Court of Judicature. It was renamed the Supreme Court of England and Wales in 1981, and again to the Senior Courts of England and Wales by the Constitutional Reform Act 2005. It consists of the following courts: * Court of Appeal- Deals only with appeals from other courts or tribunals. The Court of Appeal consists of two divisions: the Civil Division hears appeals from the High Court and County Court and certain superior tribunals, while the Criminal Division may only hear appeals from the Crown Court connected with a trial on indictment (i.e., for a serious offence). Its decisions are binding on all courts, including itself, apart from the Supreme Court. * High Court of Justice The High Court of Justice functions, both as a civil court of first instance and a criminal and civil appellate court for cases from the subordinate courts. It consists of three divisions: the Queens Bench, the Chancery and the Family divisions. The divisions of the High Court are not separate courts, but have somewhat separate procedures and practises adapted to their purposes. Although particular kinds of cases will be assigned to each division depending on their subject matter, each division may exercise the jurisdiction of the High Court. However, beginning proceedings in the wrong division may result in a costs penalty. * Crown Court- is a criminal court of both original and appellate jurisdiction which in addition handles a limited amount of civil business both at first instance and on appeal.The Crown Court is the only court in England and Wales that has the jurisdiction to try cases on indictment and when exercising such a role it is a superior court in that its judgements cannot be reviewed by the Administrative Court of the Queenââ¬â¢s Bench Division of the High Court. The Crown Court is an inferior court in respect of the other work it undertakes, viz. inter alia, appeals from the Magistratesââ¬â¢ courts and other tribunals. The Lord Chancellor and Home Secy administrate the judicial system. Civil servants are recruited through merit via open competitive exams. 3) FRANCE: It is a mixture of Republican as well as Parliamentary form ofà govt. President is the Chief executive and enjoys tremendous powers in the legislature as well as Parliament. Here the President is directly elected by the people.The Prime Minister is then chosen and appointed as per the Presidents wish from the Parliament.The Prime Minister has to enjoy the confidence of both the President and the Parliament in order to sustain his position. Executive is separated from legislature and thus the President is not able to influence the executive much but still indirectly the PM has to go by him to enjoy his confidence because most of the times,the parliament and the president are from the same party. Civil services are of two types External recruitment and internal recruitment where external recruitment is done through open competitive exams for graduates under 27 years of age and the internal recruitment is for people from the lower echelons of service having at least five years of service and not more than 36 years old. They are then chosen and trained at the Ecole Nationale Administration for two years. 4) JAPAN: The Constitution of Japan rests on three principles a) sovereignty of people , b) guarantee of Fundamental Rights, c) renunciation of war.The Emperor performs the role akin to Indian president. The Japanese people elect their representatives to the Japanese Parliament called Diet which is bicameral that is, House of Councillors and the House Of Representatives. Both Houses share equal powers but the house of representatives has superiority in matters of finance. The prime minister is appointed by the prime minister from the Diet who heads the executive and also the Emperor appoints the chief judge of the supreme court. Grants are to be passed by the Diet and then only it is given to the executive. Local govt possess autonomy in its matters. People posses the right to choose their public officials as well as remove them. Civil services are of two types here a) Special govt service includes members of cabinet approved by the Diet like positions of high officials in Imperial Court,Judges,Ambassadors and Ministers,Diet employees,common labourers and employees of state corporations. b) Includes personnel of National govt.,administrative as well as clerical except the Special govt. services ones. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DEMOCRACY AND REPUBLIC: Democracy and Republic are two forms of government which are distinguished by their treatment of the Minority, and the Individual, by the Majority. In a Democracy, the Majority has unlimited power over the Minority. This system of government does not provide a legal safeguard of the rights of the Individual and the Minority. It has been referred to as Majority over Man. In a Republic, the Majority is Limited and constrained by a written Constitution which protects the rights of the Individual and the Minority. The purpose of a Republic form of government is to control the Majority and to protect the God-given, inalienable rights and liberty of the Individual. The United States of America is founded as a Republic under the Constitution. The Ministers head Ministries with directors under them to carry out execution and also to advise the Minister. CURRENT STATUS OF COMPARATIVE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: After the decline of the comparative administration group (CAG) in the early 1970s,there was a lull in this field due to many factors like theoretical and fact based study was only done and so there was problem in the applicability of those models and USA was going through a bad phase in the Vietnamese war and so funds had to be diverted,etc. However, it got a boost once again when scholars like Robert Dahl,James Cloeman,Rapheli,Dwight Waldo etc propagated it and stated that without comparison there can never be a science of administration. Also the behavioural school of thought was bringing in a lot of attention to the fact and value theories of administrative man and so comparative public administration saw a resurgence. In the 80s and 90s studies in CPA resurfaced but with a new objective,philosophy and orientation than its previous predecessors and counterparts. It started to study various arrangements like RTI,Rule of Law,good governance,etc in different countries. It has recently started focusing itself on the analysis of such operations of administrative systems which affect functioning of various societies. The following could be seen as the recent trends in the studies of Comparative Public Administration: 1) Studying the status of human rights in the nations of the problems associated with human rights. 2) Studying the status of Rule of Law and analysing the barriers if any. 3) Studying the presence of Civil Society Institutions and their role and contribution in the administrative arrangements of societies. 4) Studying the level of participation and involvement in the implementation of schemes related to welfare of people. 5) Studying the presence of arrangements through which accountability of politicians and administrators could be ensured towards the public through the mechanisms prescribed and available like RTI,Citizens charters,Ombudsman,Social Audit,etc. ECOLOGY AND ADMINISTRATION: Ecology in simple words relates to Environment. And this environment includes physical,social and cultural aspects. So, basically we are going to talk about the relationship between administration and the environment it is set in(internal as well as external) and how the affect each other. Environment is the largest system,the rest and others like political systems,administrative systems,etc are all sub systems who work under it. It influences its sub systems and vice versa. They both have to adjust to each other and also reform and change each other from time to time to stay up to date where the peoples wishes drive the policies and the policies bring in development that uplifts the socio-economic status and level of the environment for progress. So they are interdependent and not mutually exclusive of each other. Administration is seen as one of the most significant aspect of any societal arrangement as it makes possible the achievement of governmental function fulfilment. It has been observed that administration of any state happens to be an expression of various unique factors existing in society and is interà dependant over other arrangements in the society that provides the stability of all structure in a society. Various scholars like George Orwell in their writings like Shooting an Elephant books have given case studies of how they have seen practically that the administrative systems in different parts of the world perform differently in order to suit the environment or ecology they are set in. The ecological approach to Public Administration was first propagated popularly by Fred W. Riggs who studied administrative systems in different countries( emphasis on developing countries) and why there was a vast amount of disconnect among them while applying the Americanised theories of Public Administration and how they coped up. He found that the main reason for this uniqueness of administrative systems in the world is the environment that they are set in. Each country had a different environment setting and that played a major role in the shaping of the administrative system because without the help and approval of its people an administrative system cannot survive and thus it acts according to its environment and in turn it also influences the society with its work and procedures. Max Weber projected an ideal system of bureaucracy where bureaucracy was shown as a closed system unaffected by the environment. A system which Weber assumed would be applicable and successful in all countries irrespective of its socio economic status and thats where he went wrong because we can very well see that the systems in USA and UK etc cannot be applied in an environment of India or any other developing countries. Weber did provide a very good structure for the organisation of bureaucracy but the part which he missed as cited above was the starting ground for Riggs when he began his research on the relationship between ecology and administration. Ecology/Environment affects the administrative system both internally as well as externally. Internally it affects when we take note that in actuality the administrator is a man of society and thus when he is taking an administrative decision,he will definitely be influenced by his values,societal and cultural attitude,etc to quite an extent and that needs to be taken into account. Externally also the ecology/environment affects the administrative organisation by means of social values and rules,culture of the society,dependence on other important subsystems prevalent in the society,etc where the administration and politics have to be in context of the peoples wishes and demands and if they go against it will face a possibility of overthrow and revolt anytime. Therefore,one can very conveniently understand from the above mentioned,the delicate and crucial relationship between Ecology and Administration. RIGGSIAN MODELS AND THEIR CRITIQUE: Riggs is considered the pioneer in the field of Ecological Approach to Public Administration. He stated that if studies of Public Administration had to become really comparative then it has to shift from being Normative(Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm, esp. of behavior) to empirical (Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic), from Ideographic(case by case study and not related to one another) to nomothetic(relating to the study or discovery of general scientific laws) and from non ecological(closed and confined to one area) to ecological(open and cross cultural). He blamed the import of developed countries administrative practices as it is by the developing countries for their progress without any study as the reason for its failure and the reason for developing countries still lagging behind. In his ecological studies he gave the concept of structural functional approach as a means to study the environment and administration relation. According to this approach every society has various structures that perform specific functions like political,economic,social,symbolic and communicational functions in the society. On the basis of this approach he proceeded to study and listed two theoretical models to explain the administrative systems in the comparative context. Those models are: a) AGRARIA MODEL: It is the Agricultural society and the characteristics are functional diffusion,particularistic norms,self sufficiency,ascriptive(The attribution of something to a cause) values,stable local groups and limited or no mobility,differentiated stratification. Agraria is agriculture dominated society and Riggs takes China at the time for instance Imperial China. In Agrarian primordial preferences like caste and given priority. Occupational pattern is fixed that is Agriculture and carries on for many generations. Very few administrative structures and their functions/duties were not at all specified. b) TRANSITIA MODEL : It is the in between society. It is in between or lets use the term in transition between the Agraria and Industria society and bears features resembling to both. It is on the path to become a developed society from an agricultural society. Examples are India,Thailand,etc. c) INDUSTRIA MODEL: It refers to a developed or Industry dominated society. Its characteristics are Universalistic norms,Achievement values,specific patterns,high degree of social and spatial mobility,well-developed occupational system,egalitarian class system,prevalence of associations which are functionally specific and non ascriptive. USA is an example of this society. LIMITATIONS AND CRITIQUE OF RIGGS AGRARIA-TRANSITIA-INDUSTRIA MODEL: 1) It does not help in examining the transitional societies and is too rigid focusing only on the underdeveloped and developed countries. 2) It does not provide sufficient mechanism to study mixed-type societies. Critics argue that the industrial societies will always retain or have some agrarian features. 3) It assumes a unidirectional movement from an agraria stage to an industria stage. 4) Its major stress is on the environment of the administrative system but not on the administrative system per se. 5) It is too general and abstract with little resemblance to concrete reality. Consequently Riggs abandoned this typology and proceeded to better it and that resulted in a new typology/model he designed which was the Fused-Prismatic-Diffracted Model. RIGGS IMPROVISED TYPOLOGY : FUSED-PRISMATIC-DIFFRACTED MODEL: It is the more improvised and specified version of his previous typology where the Fused society can be compared to the agrarian model,the prismatic society can be compared to the Transitia model and the Diffracted society can be compared to the Industria model. This Model was designed to silence those critics who stated that Riggs had not effectively and in detail specified the Transitia society which was very important as most of the world in in that phase. This model effectively detailed all of the typologies.The new model is based on the principle of a prism and how it diffracts fused colours of white light back into the seven colours of the spectrum when passed through it. White light represents a society with very less degree of specialisation and development and the diffracted spectrum reflects the highly specialised and developed society. The in between prismatic society is the transition society. He stated that neither of the extreme sides exist in totality or as it is but yes,it is certain that they do but in varying degrees as suitable to the environment/ecology. First we will discuss the Fused and Diffracted model and then proceed to explain the Prismatic model. A good understanding of the Fused and Diffracted Model will only be the tool to understand the Prismatic Model features. FUSED MODEL(Ex- Imperial China and Thailand): 1) Heavily dependent on agriculture. 2) Economic system based on barter system. 3) King and officials nominated by the king carry out all administrative,economic and other activities. 4) Royal family and special sects dominate. 5) Ascriptive values dominate. 6) Having many administrative structures that are part diffracted(perform special functions they are given charge of) and part fused ( many structures performing many functions which are not prescribed to them thus overlapping with the diffracted ones and confusing the system). DIFFRACTED MODEL: 1) It is the polar opposite of the fused society. Each structure carries out its own functions. 2) Attainment value in society. 3) Economic system based on market mechanism(demand and supply) 4) Responsive government 5) General consensus among all the people on all basic aspects of social life. PRISMATIC MODEL(Example India,Thailand,etc): 1) In real no society is completely fused or completely diffracted. A prismatic society has achieved a certain degree of differentiation or specialisation. 2) Heterogeneity Simultaneous existence of different kinds of system and viewpoints. Example rural-urban,Indian gurukuls western education,homoeopathic-allopathic. Various factors pulling the system apart. Political and administrative officers enjoy enormous influence. Privileges for select groups which may be communal thus creating problem in administration. 3) Formalism(Excessive adherence to prescribed forms) Discrepancy between formally prescribed and effectively practiced norms. Rules and regulations are prescribed but wide deviations are observed. Lack of pressure on govt. for programme objectives. Weakness of social powers to influence bureaucratic performance. Hypocrisy in social life. Constitution formalism which means that there is a gap between stated principles and actual implementation. 4) Overlapping Differentiated structures coexist with undifferentiated structures of Fused type. New or modern social structures are created,but traditional social structures continue to dominate. Example Parliament,Govt,Offices exist but behaviour is still largely governed by family,religion,caste,etc. SUB-SYSTEMS OF THE PRISMATIC MODEL: 1) Administrative subsystem which is called the SALA MODEL (The Spanish word, Sala, has a variety of meanings like a government office, religious conference, a room, a pavilion, etc. The word, Sala, is also generally used in East Asian countries more or less with the same meaning.): a) Certain features of bureau ( diffracted ) coexists with certain features of chambers ( fused ). Formalism exists:1.a. Universalizaiton of law is there but is not followed. 1.b. Objective is social welfare but priority is personal aggrandizement. b) Overlapping exists:Highly concentrated authority structure overlaps with localized and dispersed control system. c) Non cooperation among rival communities also reflects in administration. So favouritism and nepotism is widespread d) Existence of clects ââ¬â The dominant group who use modernmethods of organization but retains diffuse and particularistic goal of traditional type. e) For promotion officers depend on ascriptive ties . Officers unresponsive to people . Unbalanced polity in which bureaucracy dominates exists. f) Nepotism, corruption and inefficiency. 2) Economic subsystem which is also called the BAZAAR CANTEEN MODEL: a) Market factors ( demand and supply ) as well as area factors ( religious, social, family) dominates the economy. b) This leads to price indeterminacy further deteriorating economic conditions encouraging black marketing, hoarding,adulteration etc. c) Foreign domination and a small section of people dominate economic institution. d) Price of services vary from place to place, time to time and person to person. e) Economic subsystem acts like subsidized canteen to priviledged tributary canteen to members of less priviledged, politically non influential or members of outside group. f) Wage relation: Wide gap exists for same work. Persons with less wage may feel motivated to earn more by illegitimate means. DEVELOPMENT MODEL: Rising level of diffraction represents development. Higher the level of differentiation ( various structures for various functions ) and integration (coexistence of these structures ),higher the development. If differentiation is high but no sufficient integrative mechanism , it leads to confusion and chaos. Differentiation depends upon technological factors.Integration depends upon: 1.a. Penetration ââ¬â receptivity of law andà govt. willingness and ability. 1.b. Participation willingness of people to participate. CRITICISM OF RIGGS FUSED-PRISMATIC-DIFFRACTED MODEL: 1) Usage of scientific words does not make administration science. 2) It has highly technical description 3) Prismatic and sala models are equilibrium models and does not lead to social change. 4) Lack of measurement of level of diffraction in prismatic or diffracted society. 5) Diffracted society is also not desirable because it is static and in equilibrium. 6) Difficult to identify the level of differentiation and integration for development. 7) Lack of international perspective. 8)Wrong analytical tool. 9) Fails to explain the role of administration in society. 10) Overlapping is not specific phenomena of prismatic society but exists in diffracted society also. 11) Prismatic model has a negative character. Irrespective of the criticism Riggs attracted there is no denying that he set the table and standards for Comparative Public Administration and got to the root of the failure of Americanised and Europised Public Administration practices failing in developing countries, through his important paradigm called The Ecological approach to Public Administration,and also suggested the issues that plague the developing countries and how to rectify them.
Romeo and Juliet act 1 scene 5 Director Notes Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet act 1 scene 5 Director Notes Essay You will be playing the part of Romeo in my adaptation of Act 1 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet. In order to play the part effectively it is vital that you understand a number of things about Romeos character and the play and how I wish you to act the role. To summarise the narrative so far you need to understand the themes presented to the audience in the first Act of the play. The themes have been tragedy, fate and love. Throughout the first act the audience have explored the setting of the play which is in Verona, a romantic, catholic city that strongly reflects many of the key themes in the play. Information regarding the characters, location, period of time and family life necessary to effectively understand the play in its true context. Shakespeares England was Elizabethan England and therefore the audience should be aware that the play will be reflective of the period of time it was written in. Women in Elizabethan times were often unattainable and withdrawn from the men and marriage was not commonly about love. Therefore Juliet is justly concerned when the nurse tells her Romeo who she loves is The son of your great enemy. Juliets concerns are not only because of the feud between the Montagues and Capulets it is also because women had little control over who they married. Courtship was the process commonly practised in Elizabethan times between noble men and women at a time when people rarely married for love. Marriage was viewed as a business proposition as great fortunes could be at stake through inheritance. The economics of marriage were ingrained into society so emotional and physical desires of a man or women were less important this was reinforced by religion at the time as it was thought people should have control over their desires. The church had a significant impact on the behaviour of people at that time. People were expected to be restrained, moral and to be seen to do the right thing at the time. Women were especially repressed through a male oriented church. Young women were expected to be submissive and primarily concerned with domestic life. Women were not commonly educated formally and any education they did receive would revolve around domestic tasks and proper manners, so they could not dishonour their families. Family honour was regarded very important especially among wealthy, noble families as it was seen as essential maintaining their security and that of future generations. The emphasis on family honour explains why Tybalt is so quick to react angrily at Romeos presence at the masque: Now by the stock and honour of my kin, To strike him dead I hold it not a sin. You gain access to the Capulet celebration by disguising yourself as a pilgrim. Pilgrims, to show their faith made long journeys to the shrines of the Holy Land. They brought back palm leaves as proof of their visits, and so were known as palmers. When acting the role of Romeo you should explore his responses to the circumstances of the play, which will give you an insight into his character and motivations. Romeo is a young member of the Montagues a noble family who are in high social standing therefore you would have good manners and a good education. Romeo has a dramatic response to his feelings towards Juliet when he first sees her and his language is an example of hyperbole which demonstrates the passionate and impulsive side of his character which I would lie you to portray when acting the role. The hyperbole of the language should be reflected when you speak the lines O she doth teach the torches to burn bright in an exaggerated and passionate way. Romeos romantic nature is also a key factor you should consider when developing this character his response to her beauty is to exclaim: Did my heart love till now. It would be appropriate for you to speak this with your hand on your heart which would symbolize to the audience that your words are heartfelt. You should also think about the response of other characters to Romeo and their descriptions of him. Verona brags of him to be a virtuous and well governed youth therefore though the character can be at times reckless this should not be over emphasised. Romeo appears to demonstrate a strong belief in the role of fate his life He that hath the steerage of my course direct my sail. Shakespeare uses Romeo to develop the theme of fate throughout the narrative and therefore you should present Romeo as having a strong respect for fate and its role in his life. You compare Juliet to a shrine and saint. Religious imagery runs thought your conversation.. I want you to play the role as a knight in shining armour, self assured, loyal, impulsive and passionate and at times hasty. You come from a wealthy, Roman Catholic background and your family is in a feud with the Capulets. . You are a member of the Montagues a high standing aristocratic family. You family is in a quarrel with the Capulets, a noble family which has been going on for generations. You dont want anything to do with the quarrel and keep out of the battles. You are depressed by your unrequited love for Rosaline. You think of Rosaline as a swan beautiful, graceful, and elegant but Benvolio can see the other side of her as a swan haughty, aggressive and arrogant and beyond your reach. When we look at the language Romeo uses talking about Rosaline we can tell that he is acting how he thinks a courtly lover should, it lacks depth and uses lots of oxymorons loving/ hate, heavy/ lightness, sick/health and so on so. He is confused and being artificial. You go to the masque hoping to see Rosaline In scene 1 act 5 when you meet Juliet your conversation is written as a sonnet that were popular and highly esteemed activity in the Queen Elizabeths court.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Impact of Globalization on Translation
Impact of Globalization on Translation Introduction Under the circumstances of globalization, the demand for high-quality and high- speed translations has been increasing worldwide. Satisfying these demands may result of the increasing of time and cost for translators and translation companies. Thus how enhance the quality and productivity with low cost is one of the problems. In order to achieve the time and cost saving, the computer assisted translation (CAT) tools is playing an important role in translation industry. The CAT tools enabling to cover the whole translation process at a time has been created and commercialized by the language industry in recent decades (Austermuhl, 2001). Amongst translation tools, translation memory (TM) systems are considered as the effective tools due to increasing translation productivity by offering previous translation automatically (Austermuhl, 2001). However, there are various TM systems worldwide and which is the most effective may vary depends on individual requirements such as language syste m or text types. This essay will attempt to assess two TM systems, SDL Trados Studio and Wordfast classic, by comparing each feature of operational functions. To compare and assess two TM systems, the concept of TM systems, features of respective TM systems first will be explained as background knowledge of the discussion in this essay. The outline of TM systems Translation memory is a database of multilingual texts which allow to storage both the source and target text segments in parallel and retrieved accordance with the set criteria (Austermuhl 2001 cites Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards, EAGLES ). Namely, the target text is first divided into segment units and stored in TM through translation process. These stored segments are available to be reused for the new translation project. If the segments stored in TM are perfectly matched or similar to the new source text, TM offers the previous translations automatically to a translator. The translator can decide whether these offered translations should be accepted or not. Also it is possible to revise the previous translations in TM through and after translation. Esselink (2000) points out some disadvantage of TM as follows: The Final layout of translated text is not displayed until finishing the translation. In this case, proofreading after the translation is required. Some problems may occur in TM management, especially in the case of multilingual project. Revising TM after re-converted into the original style is not available, namely, in order to update TM, the translated file is required to be converted into TMs acceptable format again. Time consuming due to the requirement of converting the source text into the appropriate format for translation. TM filter is not updated when the source text is a new file format. As a result, some arrangement is required in order to be accepted. Changing the structure of the text is not available within paragraph. It is necessary to create the file filter depend on the file format if it is different from the default. Considering above mentions, he (2000) suggests that the material text should be examined before translation, and translators should decide whether to use TM, because in some cases, translating without TM is more effective than using TM system. Meanwhile, TM has recognized as effective and time-saving technology for massive translations, especially technical or manual text which include some repetitive use of technical terminology (Mitkov 2007). This is mostly due to the effectiveness against reducing duplicative work and to enhance the uniformity of terms. For example, in the case of the continuous translation project of the specific field, the TM is offered to the translator and the technical terms will be transferred from TM precisely to the new source text. By this means, TM allows translators to share the unique terminology used in the specific field and contributes to maintain the translation quality. The specific features of Wordfast Classic TM operational functions Wordfast Classic is defined as a CAT tool designed as a Microsoft Wordâ⠢ add-on. Its lightweight, flexible structure makes it easy to install and use (Wordfast 2010). This CAT tool comprises some useful operational functions, such as terminology management, importing exporting glossary and TM, document conversion, analysis and alignment (Wordfast 2010). Amongst the operational functions, some beneficial features of Wordfast Classic will be explained here. ITI Bulletin (2006) points out that Wordfast Classic is simple to use, which can not only apply to Word but also to Power Point, Access and Excel files by connecting directly with Word application interface. It is also compatible with other machine translation programs such as PowerTranslatorâ⠢ and other CAT tools such as Trados, by converting TM into another format which is appropriate for respective program and exporting it (ITI Bulletin 2006). Importing other TM to Wordfast is also available (ITI Bulletin 2006). In addition, alignment function allows editing the translation stored in TM after translation. Since this CAT tool is available of free download to own computer with some limitations, those who are considering to use this tool can try and examine how useful or not for them before paid registration(ITI Bulletin 2006). If download PlusToolsâ⠢ and add-in to the source document, Wordfast Classic is available for a variety of file format from HTML/ XLM to other tagged files (Miller 2002). However, there are some important reminders for using Wordfast Classic. One of them is that it is necessary to do clean-up TM after translation for updating the TM database (Miller 2002). Since database is stored as txt. format, revising the translated text is possible without Wordfast (Miller 2002). Thus translators tend to forget to update TM and glossary. As a result, the accuracy of TM will be lost and TM can not apply to other new translation project. The specific features of Trados TM operational functions Trados TM which comprising the source and target segments, is created in the Translation Memories view (Trados 2010). Respective segment pair of the source and target is called a translation unit and it is possible to add some information for each translation unit such as when it was created and updated, and who created it (Trados 2010). Thus it might be useful to manage the translation history. The translation unit is displayed in parallel, which is conducive to comparison of the source and target segment when editing. There are three types of matching function: fuzzy, context and 100% match (Trados 2010). Although the default of Fuzzy matching rate is set at 70% or over, this rate is able to be changed (Trados 2010). Context match is applied when the source text and TM segment match perfectly and have the same context (Trados 2010). 100%match means the source text segment match exactly with the TM segment (Trados 2010). In terms of the segmentation, Trados can customise the segmentation rules depend on respective languages; Chinese, French, English, German, Spanish and Japanese, which are supported by Trados (Trados 2010). Therefore, there is not required to adjust the segmentation each time. As mentioned above, fuzzy match is applied when the matching rate is 70% or over (Trados 2010). This indicates that if the matching rate between the source and the TM segment is less than 70%, TM will not return any translation (Trados 2010). Therefore, if preferring more or less than 70% matching customise of the fuzzy matching rate should be required. Comparison of feature between Wordfast and Trados TM With the avobe description as background, the feature of Wordfast and Trados TM will be compared and assessed. First of all, in terms of using TM in othe tranlation tools, both Wordfast and Trados can import/ export TM database by converting the file type into the acceptable format for respective TM. For example, Wordfast TM is stored in txt. format, while Trados TM is stored in sdltm. format. If converting Trados TM to Wardfast, it is necessary to export to a tmx.file. Then open it with MS Word and open Wordfast, then select it as TM. Likewise, Wordfast also can export its TM by converting TM into tmx.format, open Trados, creating new empty TM and import the txt.file. Secondly, although creating or opening Wordfast TM is almost as simple as that of Trados, Trados TM is enriched with various optional functions, such as Enable character-based concordance search and fuzzy match threshold, compared with Wordfast. However, when compareing the source segment with target segment for translaiton, Wordfast seems to be more useful than Trados. In wordfast, the segment is highlighted with gray color and it is not allowed to jump sentences till click the icon which represent to confirmation each time. By contrast, Trados does not have any specific functions which privent from moving to the next segment. As a result, skipping segment sometimes occur in Trados. Since generally translation project have a tendency to demand for high-speed and quality, translators are often forced to work long hours a day. This will result in a higher rate of translation leakage. Finally, while Wordfast can not allow a user to confirm the translated text layout during translation, Trados can display the finished translation within the edditing window. Therefore, the TM user can available to confirm the translated text layout even during translation. This display function of Trados might be effective to time saving, because the mistranslations or text layout and presentation can be recognized easily and translating and modifying can be available simultaneously in the editing window. Conclusion Although Wordfast and Trados share certain simiralities in those operational functions such as the availability of importing/ exporting TM, some merit and demerit of respective TM were also recognized. It is difficult to recommend which is more excellent CAT tool, bacause the detarmination of merit and demerit is affected by the situation. In the case of the massive translation team project, Trados may be more effective than Wordfast due to a variety of optional function. On the contrary, if translating relatively simple and short text, Wordfast may be convenience due to its simplicity of program configuration process. Therfore, it might be significant to examine which CAT tool is suitable for the translation text or project.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essay --
Justin Kim 1C-2 Oedipus: the Perfect Example of Freudian Psychology In ââ¬Å"Oedipus the Kingâ⬠by Sophocles, Oedipus, the king of Thebes finds out that he kills his father and that his wife is his mother. Oedipus is very concerned for his kingdom and his people. He wants to ââ¬Å"drive the corruption from the landâ⬠(Sophocles 109) by finding Laiusââ¬â¢s murderer and killing him. Through his curiosity, Oedipus finds out that the man he kills long ago is Laius, who is his father, and that his wife is his motherââ¬âall in accordance with Oedipusââ¬â¢ prophecy. After coming on this realization as well, Jocasta, Oedipusââ¬â¢ wife, commits suicide, and Oedipus gouges out his eyes as a result of this. In his search for the murderer, Oedipus strives to be a fair king. Ironically, he often is not fair to the people he sees or things that are essential to him. This play demonstrates the theme of justice through Oedipusââ¬â¢ denial of justice in three situationsââ¬âOedipusââ¬â¢ meeting with Tiresias, Oedipusââ¬â¢ g ouging out of his eyes, and Creonââ¬â¢s asking of Oedipus to adjudicate fairly The theme of justice is evident during Oedipusââ¬â¢ meeting with Tiresias. Oedipus brings over Tiresias, the renowned prophet to tell him who the Laiusââ¬â¢ murderer is. Tiresias, at first, tries to hide the answer, but through Oedipusââ¬â¢ pressing, Tiresias is forced to reveal that Oedipus kills Laius a long time ago and is the source of ââ¬Å"the corruption of the land (178).â⬠Oedipus, enraged at the answer, tells Tiresias that he should be ashamed for cooking up such a story and asks Tiresias who told him to do this. Tiresias responds, ââ¬Å"You did, you forced me, twisted it out of me (179).â⬠The most rudimentary definition of justice is fairness, and back in Ancient Greece prophetsââ¬â¢ words were reg... ...iedâ⬠show that Oedipusââ¬â¢ surmise is nothing more than a guess that is unable to be proven true, which conclusively proves Oedipus is not just to Creon because all the accusations against Creon are completely false. In conclusion, Oedipusââ¬â¢ denial of justice especially to his eyes, Tiresias, and Creon, show that justice is an important theme in this book. Oedipus denies justice by not giving the full representation of the truth, and by hurting and blaming others for things he himself has done. By doing this, he fails to be the fair king he strives to be by trying to track down Laiusââ¬â¢ murderer, and becomes the complete antithesis of what he wants to be. If Oedipus wants to be a just king to his people, then he should take the punishment meant for himââ¬âdeathââ¬âbecause it is fair that since he is the source of the corruption of the land, that he should die in return. Essay -- Justin Kim 1C-2 Oedipus: the Perfect Example of Freudian Psychology In ââ¬Å"Oedipus the Kingâ⬠by Sophocles, Oedipus, the king of Thebes finds out that he kills his father and that his wife is his mother. Oedipus is very concerned for his kingdom and his people. He wants to ââ¬Å"drive the corruption from the landâ⬠(Sophocles 109) by finding Laiusââ¬â¢s murderer and killing him. Through his curiosity, Oedipus finds out that the man he kills long ago is Laius, who is his father, and that his wife is his motherââ¬âall in accordance with Oedipusââ¬â¢ prophecy. After coming on this realization as well, Jocasta, Oedipusââ¬â¢ wife, commits suicide, and Oedipus gouges out his eyes as a result of this. In his search for the murderer, Oedipus strives to be a fair king. Ironically, he often is not fair to the people he sees or things that are essential to him. This play demonstrates the theme of justice through Oedipusââ¬â¢ denial of justice in three situationsââ¬âOedipusââ¬â¢ meeting with Tiresias, Oedipusââ¬â¢ g ouging out of his eyes, and Creonââ¬â¢s asking of Oedipus to adjudicate fairly The theme of justice is evident during Oedipusââ¬â¢ meeting with Tiresias. Oedipus brings over Tiresias, the renowned prophet to tell him who the Laiusââ¬â¢ murderer is. Tiresias, at first, tries to hide the answer, but through Oedipusââ¬â¢ pressing, Tiresias is forced to reveal that Oedipus kills Laius a long time ago and is the source of ââ¬Å"the corruption of the land (178).â⬠Oedipus, enraged at the answer, tells Tiresias that he should be ashamed for cooking up such a story and asks Tiresias who told him to do this. Tiresias responds, ââ¬Å"You did, you forced me, twisted it out of me (179).â⬠The most rudimentary definition of justice is fairness, and back in Ancient Greece prophetsââ¬â¢ words were reg... ...iedâ⬠show that Oedipusââ¬â¢ surmise is nothing more than a guess that is unable to be proven true, which conclusively proves Oedipus is not just to Creon because all the accusations against Creon are completely false. In conclusion, Oedipusââ¬â¢ denial of justice especially to his eyes, Tiresias, and Creon, show that justice is an important theme in this book. Oedipus denies justice by not giving the full representation of the truth, and by hurting and blaming others for things he himself has done. By doing this, he fails to be the fair king he strives to be by trying to track down Laiusââ¬â¢ murderer, and becomes the complete antithesis of what he wants to be. If Oedipus wants to be a just king to his people, then he should take the punishment meant for himââ¬âdeathââ¬âbecause it is fair that since he is the source of the corruption of the land, that he should die in return.
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