Sunday, May 19, 2019

My Christian Way of Life Essay

I would not start this personal screwvas by saying that I am a heartfelt Christian and that I love portion people or something to that effect. I am a Christian however, I am not the devout type. I do not regularly attend church gatherings. I do not really engage in community services or avoid vices. My moral beliefs were first cultivated by my parents teaching. They are devout Catholic, so it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus Christ is the most influential philosopher in my life. It is because of Him that I am able to walk through life confidently and accept different challenges.I am against violence and vengeance because He has taught us to forgive. Nevertheless, I still break my own phantasmal doubts and questions approximately life and about being a Christian. I also consider myself as a victim of popular culture who has the tendency to get easily influenced by unreasonable circumstances. I am skeptical most of the time which is why I am convinced that Pepperdine is the most fitting university which underside cater my needs for spiritual buildment. The fact that George Pepperdine did not mean for any of the universitys students to become full-pledged or devout Christians is what attracts me most in the universitys mission.It interest me not because I do not wish to become strictly dictated by Christian determine but because in this critical horizontal surface of my life, I believe that I need all the freedom to make my own choices so I can later ponder about them and reflect on my own life. At a puppyish age, a person must be allowed to burst his or her own spirituality by his or her own means. This way, this person can become more than experienced and driven to arrive to what he or she believes is the truth about ones spiritual being. If one would analyze ones milieu closely, it is evident that we live in a material world.Everything that our eyes conceive is physically material. On the contrary, I believe that there is much more in this w orld than earthly things. The world is a cause that we need to piece togethera problem that we need to solve. However, it is a problem unsolvablea problem too complex and beyond comprehension. Yet, we can only see the world as much(prenominal) if we close our eyes from superficiality and open them to greater extents. Simply put, the world is merely an illusion that we soak up created to fulfill our sightand the only way to avoid being fully blinded by it is to develop our own spirituality.A person who aspires to accomplish a developed spiritual being must strike how to act in his or her own accord. Religion can be quite pressuring at times, which can even cause a person to lose his way. However, if one is given enough leeway to discover everything on his or her own, this person becomes more responsible in choosing the right path without any intuitive feeling of rebellion or being forced. I am confident that through the guidance of a university which values Christianity, I can be come more disciplined and responsible in discovering the spiritual aspect of my life.I do not usually attend Sunday church but I honestly have my so-called personal relationship with God. I am more comfortable in talking to Him like a confidant who is always ready and available to listen than repeating prayers everyday. George Pepperdine is right. Maybe I am not fully aware yet of what is the real Christian way of life. Maybe personal relationship with God is not enough to be called a true Christian. Maybe it includes so much more than just a relationship. I guess I am not that confident yet about my own spirituality which is more than just a reason enough for me to become accepted in this university.

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